Since running a tea shop this has been the biggest question in my head when I think about my days: am I in a flow state or am I underutilising my brain? Every day like clockwork I go to my tea shop at around 3 and stay till 8 if I can, and 6 if I have to attend Chinese medicine class in the evening. I set up shop, put out some canned drinks, display the menu, collect some filtered water, boil it and brew tea for myself, setup the sound system, play different artists’ songs based on my mood — rotating between Teresa Teng, ODESZA + friends, Tame Impala, and Daft Punk. And I watch the view. Sometimes I read my book. I smile and wave at every passerby, sometimes they come over for tea or a drink, and sometimes they just smile and walk past. And a day goes by, and I go home.
I am unable to comprehend if I am in a flow state while doing this or not. Rather than a directional flow, I feel more in a floating motion like bobbing up and down. I am not exactly in the challenge vs. skills zone of a “flow state”. While I am working at the tea shop, I still feel the texture of the moment. It requires me to focus a lot of attention on my surroundings. However, it doesn’t seem to require the typical skill I label skills to be. It’s not solving a mathematical or coding problem. It’s more on observing and guessing if the next passerby would be a customer and trying to find ways to optimize the shop in the little moments I have in between.
If like what Chinese philosophy says that everything is ying & yang, feminine & masculine. Flow to me is a more masculine energy. It is more directed with more tangible challenges that utilize tangible skills. Floating on the other hand is the same thing but more feminine. A less obvious challenge with intangible skills required. Yet it is a challenge nonetheless.
Or perhaps I am not actually being challenged on a day-to-day, but is that truly required to live a fulfilling life? There are no right or wrong answers to “how you live your day”. But if you have full control over it, try to make it align with your soul. Any attempts to explain it, or justify it, are answers to others. You only need to answer yourself, Tania.
I had the same dilemma working in a restaurant. Am I wasting away my time on repetitive little things or is this a lesson that not everything is meant for growth? Maybe some filler activities are good, as long as I don't stress out about wasting time... flow is being in the moment, for me - as long as I let myself be, without judgement, everything flows. What you have and I didn't is contemplation, writing down your experiences and adjusting your path based on your values, to make sure you flow in the right direction. You inspired me to write in a journal again, and I'm grateful for that 🤗
Was just thinking of this the other day, how we're constantly swinging in that one pendulum to the next (too busy / too chill / too busy / too chill) but the present, in its evanescence, is the most beautiful part of it all.